The Basics of Sound Moderators

The Basics of Sound Moderators | Wildcat Moderators

The Basics of Sound Moderators The Basics of Sound Moderators A sound moderator, also sometimes referred to as a suppressor or silencer, is an accessory that dulls the sound emitted from a firearm. Upon firing; several sounds will occur. The initial audible sound is a combination of the primer, the ignition of the powder and…

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Why Choose A British Sound Moderator Manufacturer

British Sound Moderator Manufacturer

Why Choose A British Sound Moderator Manufacturer Customer Service When buying products from a UK manufacturer, you’re likely to receive a high level of customer service. Expect quicker responses and smoother warranty processing! Take Wildcat Moderators for instance; you can buy British with the confidence of receiving a full back up support if needed. We…

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The Advantages of Reloading Over Using Factory Ammunition

Home Loading Reloading Ammunition

The Advantages of Reloading Over Using Factory Ammunition If at present you’re shooting factory ammunition, maybe you should consider loading your own. Now, you’re probably wondering “where do I even start with reloading my own ammunition?” Whilst reloading may be beyond your present knowledge, there are many books, magazines and even YouTube channels that cover…

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