The Advantages of Reloading Over Using Factory Ammunition
If at present you’re shooting factory ammunition, maybe you should consider loading your own. Now, you’re probably wondering “where do I even start with reloading my own ammunition?”
Whilst reloading may be beyond your present knowledge, there are many books, magazines and even YouTube channels that cover all the aspects necessary for you to load ammunition safely, and to a high repeatable standard.
You could also attend a training day to for professional training in the equipment required. Learn how to use the equipment for manufacturing your own ammunition safely and with a high level of consistency.
Once you’ve gained some experience and learnt how to make high quality ammunition, you’ll notice the precision, accuracy and cost-effectiveness of your shooting will increase dramatically! Lets look at some of the advantages to home loading.
Reloading is Cheaper
To get started with home reloading will require an initial investment in the equipment required, and there is a wide choice of complete reloading kits with everything you need! Kits cost from approximately £400 upwards.
You will need cartridge cases for the calibre you are going to reload, for instance, .308 Lapua cases cost £80 per 100, but you will use the cases maybe up to 15 times before they need to be replaced. This brings the relative cost down to approximately £5 per hundred for the next 15 reloads.
Let’s look at two comparisons between the cost of quality factory ammunition and the cost of loading your own quality ammunition:
Comparison #1
Hornady ELD-Match 155gr ammunition costs £215 per 100.
To make ammunition of similar quality, would be: -
- Hornady ELD-Match Heads £55.00 per 100.
- Federal Large Rifle Gold Medal Match Primers £6.00 per 100.
- Vihtavuori N140 is £90.00 1KG (at 44gr each you will get 350 per 1KG) therefore cost for 100 is £26.
- Lapua case at £5 per 100.
Using these ingredients; the cost to make 100 bullets is £92, with a saving of £123!
Comparison #2
Lapua Scenar 155GR Factory Ammo 100 off is £220.
To make ammunition of similar quality, would be: -
- Lapua 155gr Scenar heads £44.00 per 100.
- Federal Large Rifle Gold Medal Match Primers £6.00 per 100.
- Vihtavuori N140 is £90.00 1KG (at 44gr each you will get 350 per 1KG) therefore cost for 100 is £26.
- Lapua case at £5 per 100.
Using these ingredients; the cost to make 100 bullets is £81, with a saving of £139!
It can be seen that you can make quality ammunition at a much more competitive price than you can buy quality factory-made ammunition.
Reloading Improves Performance
Accuracy and precision depend on the consistency of the ammunition you shoot. When reloading your own ammunition, you have complete control over the quality and choice of the components you use, you can change powder manufacturer, powder weight, primers, and bullet heads to best suit your firearm. When reloading your own ammunition, you can measure powder weight and seating depth precisely, ensuring that each cartridge is constructed to a high standard and is repeatable from batch to batch.
With factory ammunition, you do not know what powder has been used or what the powders temperature stability is. You have little choice over the other components, and it might not have the bullet head you want. When loading your own ammunition, you can alter bullet seating depth to find what best works in your firearm. Factory ammunition is only seated to industry-standard CIP or SAAMI specification.
A Rewarding Process
Lastly, you can get a lot of satisfaction from loading your own ammunition.
There is nothing more pleasing than making tiny groups on distant targets knowing that you loaded that ammunition, and at a far lower cost than the factory rounds you were buying!
So, the next time your scanning the dealer’s shelves or their website, looking for factory ammunition that you hope will shoot better than the last batch you bought – Consider giving home loading a try! Book yourself some training on a reloading course and learn to produce the best ammunition you’ll ever shoot.
For more information on reloading, you can speak to our friendly team here at Wildcat Moderators. Drop us an email at or give us a call on 01905 797 060. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!